Asia Marketing Federation
The success achieved by the collaboration between the European countries and the United States of America in many aspects brings about economic growth and technological advancement.
Marketing Association of Thailand (MAT) and Japan Marketing Association (JMA) realized the importance of network building which will bring collaboration and enhance economic growth. Therefore the idea of establishing “Asia Marketing Federation” emerged. The association then embarked on a tour, meeting and discussing the possibility of founding Asia Pacific Marketing Federation (APMF) with other marketing associations in the region.
Having developed and framed the policy of establishing the federation, MAT attended JMA’s International Marketing Conference in Tokyo, Japan, for the first time on 7 November 1990.
Asia Pacific Marketing Federation (APMF) founded on 1 April 1990 and evolved into Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) in 2007.
- To develop and enhance relationship between the associations in Asia which will lead to economic development
- To exchange marketing information among the members and associations worldwide
- To exchange marketing knowledge, activities and latest technology
- To propose measures and protect the federation’s interests
- To promote marketing activities in collaboration with the government sector, academic institutions, experts and entrepreneurs in the region and other regions regardless of its membership
AMF Members
- Bangladesh – Marketing Society Bangladesh (MSB)
- Cambodia – Marketing Association of Cambodia (MAC)
- China – CCPIT Commercial Sub-council
- Hong Kong – Hong Kong Institute of Marketing (HKIM)
- Indonesia – Indonesia Marketing Association (IMA)
- Japan – Japan Marketing Association (JMA)
- Korea – Marketers Society of Korea (MASOK)
- Macau – Macau Marketing Institute
- Malaysia – Institute of Marketing Malaysia (IMM)
- Mongolia – Mongolia Marketing Association (MMA)
- Myanmar – Myanmar Marketing Society (MMS)
- Philippines – Philippine Marketing Association (PMA)
- Singapore – Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS)
- Sri Lanka – Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM)
- Taiwan – Taiwan Institute of Marketing Science (TIMS)
- Thailand – Marketing Association of Thailand (MAT)
- Vietnam – Vietnam Marketing Association (VMA)