ผู้บริหารระดับสูงผู้ C-Levels, Top Executives
ที่ต้องใช้วิสัยทัศน์นำทางองค์กรเจ้าของกิจการ Entrepreneurs
ผู้ต้องการสร้างความเปลี่ยนแปลง เติบโตผู้บริหารด้านการตลาด
ที่ต้องการ Reskill – Upskillผู้บริหารด้านการตลาด
ที่ต้องการปรับเปลี่ยนทั้ง Strategy & Actionผู้ที่ต้องการเปิดมุมมองใหม่ๆด้านธุรกิจและการตลาด
World Marketing Forum ครั้งที่ 3
วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 พฤศจิกายน จะเป็นวัน “International Marketing Day 2023” ท่านจะได้พบกับบิดาแห่งการตลาด Professor Philip Kotler พร้อมวิทยากรชั้นนำจาก 5 ทวีป ที่จะมาเปิดโลก Marketing 6.0 เห็นภาพกว้าง เข้าใจเชิงลึกทันทุกประเด็นการตลาดยุคใหม่ หลอมรวมเทคโนโลยีเข้ากับหัวใจของมนุษยชาติ เข้าใจ ก้าวนำ ข้ามผ่านการเปลี่ยนแปลงเติบโตและก้าวสู่ความสำเร็จไปด้วยกัน
- “Welcome to the New Marketingverse” Hermawan Kartjaya ผู้ร่วมก่อตั้งของ World Marketing Forum (WMF) และประธานสหพันธ์การตลาดแห่งเอเชีย หรือ Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) จะนำเข้าสู่จักรวาลการตลาดยุคใหม่ “The New Marketingverse” อุ่นเครื่องให้เราทุกคนพร้อมเดินทางสู่จุดหมายใหม่ร่วมกัน
- “A Lifetime of Marketing Wisdom Through the Winds of Change” เปิดวิสัยทัศน์ Philip Kotler ปรมาจารย์ด้านการตลาดระดับโลกที่มาเล่าถึงการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่เกิดขึ้นในวงการการตลาด และเปิดแนวทางการตลาดยุค 6.0 ที่กำลังจะมาถึง
- “Unveiling Marketing 6.0” เจาะลึกเนื้อหา “Marketing 6.0 : The Future is Immersive” กับโลก Marketingverse ที่ไม่มีเส้นกั้นพรมแดน โดย Iwan Satiawan ผู้ร่วมประพันธ์หนังสือ “Marketing 6.0 The Future is Immersive” กับ Philip Kotler และ Hermawan Kartjaya
- “Navigating the New Marketingverse: Meta Mitri Meetung” เปิดจักรวาลการตลาดยุคใหม่ เจาะลึก Insight ในความหมายเชิงธุรกิจของคำว่า “เมตา” และ “ไมตรี” ซึ่งเป็นพลังขับเคลื่อนความสำเร็จทางธุรกิจ สู่ผลลัพธ์ที่สำคัญ นั่นคือ “มีตังค์”
- “Era of AI” พบกับผู้เชี่ยวชาญจาก Microsoft ที่จะแชร์เทรนด์และทิศทางของ AI ในโลกธุรกิจ เพื่อเสริมสร้างศักยภาพและความรู้เท่าทันเกี่ยวกับเทคโนโลยีสำคัญที่กำลังเปลี่ยนโลก
- “Humanizing Data: Empowering Diversity in (Mar)Tech & Business” พบกับการใส่หัวใจความเป็นมนุษย์ลงไปในการเจาะลึกหาความหมายในข้อมูลและตัวเลขด้วย เพื่อจะสามารถเข้าใจความหลากหลายลูกค้าและใช้เป็นพลังขับเคลื่อนการเติบโตขององค์กรได้อย่างแท้จริง
- “Leadership in the New Marketingverse” พบกับประสบการณ์ใหม่และแรงบันดาลใจที่จะเปลี่ยนท่านให้เป็นผู้นำที่มีทั้งสติ & สตรอง ซึ่งเป็นคุณสมบัติสำคัญในการนำพาธุรกิจข้ามผ่านสู่ความสำเร็จในโลกการตลาดยุคใหม่
- “Conscious Innovation : Thriving in the Era of Sustainable Startup Growth” มาปอกเปลือกนอกของ Start Up แบบเดิมๆทิ้ง แล้วทำความเข้าใจในแก่นแท้ของ Start Up ยุคใหม่ ที่มุ่งเน้นความสำคัญในการพัฒนาและการเติบโตอย่างยั่งยืน
- “The Power of Purpose: Elevating Brand Love into Brand Value” ร่วมกันทำความเข้าใจถึงความสำคัญของการสร้างความหมายให้กับแบรนด์ สร้างจุดมุ่งหมายที่ชัดเจนและเชื่อมโยงกับลูกค้า เพื่อให้แบรนด์ของเราไม่เพียงแต่เป็นที่รัก แต่ยังสามารถเพิ่มมูลค่าให้กับธุรกิจได้อย่างมากมาย
- “Think Global, Act Local: Understanding Diversity of Target Audiences” เปิดมุมมองวิธีการเข้าใจและปรับตัวกับความหลากหลายของตลาดที่แตกต่าง และวิธีการเข้าถึงกลุ่มเป้าหมายในระดับโลกได้อย่างมีประสิทธิภาพ
- “From Purpose to Prosperity: Leadership Philosophy” พบกับปรัชญาในการเป็นผู้นำของคุณจรีพร แม่ทัพหญิงแห่ง WHA Group ที่หลอมรวมความสำคัญทางด้านธุรกิจและสังคมไปด้วยกัน พบเรื่องราวการเดินทางในการสร้างสิ่งใหม่ๆ การมอบโอกาส การเติบโตร่วมกัน พร้อมกับการสร้างความมั่นคงทางธุรกิจและการนำองค์กรไปสู่ความสำเร็จ
และในวันศุกร์ที่ 17 พฤศจิกายน จะเป็นวัน “Thailand Marketing Day 2023” ซึ่งจะเป็นการตีความ The New Marketingverse และ Marketing 6.0 ในบริบทของประเทศไทย มาเจาะลึกว่า Soft Power แบบของไทย จะพาเราให้ก้าวนำในโลกการตลาดยุคใหม่ได้อย่างไร (บรรยายไทยพร้อมแปลอังกฤษ)
- “Unlocking Thailand’s Branding in the New Marketingverse” ปาฐกถาแนวทางในการพัฒนาศักยภาพของแบรนด์และผลิตภัณฑ์ไทยให้สามารถแข่งขันในตลาดโลก โดย คุณภูมิธรรม เวชยชัย รองนายกรัฐมนตรี และรัฐมนตรีว่าการกระทรวงพาณิชย์
- “Marketing 6.0 & Trends: 2024 Way Forwards” MAT X MAT CMO COUNCIL’s Prediction สมาคมการตลาดจะมาเผยผลสำรวจและการคาดการณ์เทรนด์การตลาดที่จะเกิดขึ้นในปี 2024 ภายใต้กรอบแนวคิดของ Marketing 6.0
- “Tech and Humanity: Foresight for a Better Future” เปิดมุมมองใหม่ จากผู้บริหาร The 1 Central Group ที่จะมาเชื่อมโยงพลังแห่งนวัตกรรมทางเทคโนโลยีกับความเป็นมนุษย์ในการทำการตลาดที่ง่ายและทรงประสิทธิภาพมากขึ้น เทคโนโลยีจะมาช่วยเราได้อย่างไร
- “The Thaivantage : How Thainess Shapes Success in the new Marketingverse” แตกต่างอย่างไทย แต้มต่อสู่ความสำเร็จ เสวนาสุดพิเศษ ที่จะมาตีความบริบทของจุดแข็งความเป็นไทย ที่จะกลายเป็น Soft Power ในการนำพาแบรนด์สินค้าและบริการไทยไปสู่ความสำเร็จในตลาดโลก
- “Reshaping the Business Landscape with Higher Purpose” เสวนาจุดประกายแนวคิด ในการใช้ธุรกิจมาร่วมสร้างความปลี่ยนแปลงให้กับโลก สร้างสังคมที่ดีขึ้น พร้อมสร้างผลลัพธ์ทางธุรกิจที่ดีขึ้นไปพร้อมๆกัน
- “Success Stories: METTA in Action” ผู้บริหารจาก PlanToys และ Boutique Newcity จะมาแบ่งปันแนวคิดและประสบการณ์จริงในการนำหลัก METTA (ความเมตตา) เข้ามาประยุกต์ใช้กับการดำเนินธุรกิจของพวกเขา สร้างความเปลี่ยนแปลงที่ยิ่งใหญ่โดยเริ่มต้นการเปลี่ยนแปลงจากธุรกิจของเรา เพื่อร่วมกันสร้างโลกที่ดีกว่าในอนาคต
- “Success Stories: MITRI in Action” ฟังประสบการณ์และแนวคิดที่น่าสนใจจากผู้บริหารของ Nanyang , Carnival , และ BBQ Plaza จาก 3 แบรนด์ 3 กลุ่มธุรกิจ ที่ดูเหมือนจะแตกต่างกัน แต่สิ่งที่ทำให้พวกเขาสามารถยืนหยัดในตลาดที่แข่งขันสูงได้ ก็คือหัวใจที่เข้มแข็งในการสร้างมิตรภาพ มาฟังแนวคิด การใช้ “Mitri” ในโลกธุรกิจ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นลูกค้า พันธมิตรทางธุรกิจ หรือแม้แต่คู่แข่ง ที่สามารถช่วยเสริมสร้างธุรกิจให้แข็งแกร่งและเติบโตได้จริง
- “Nui’s Talk on the New Marketingverse” เปิดมุมมองของหนุ่ย แบไต๋ ถึงจักรวาลการตลาดที่เปลี่ยนไป รวมถึงคำถามสำคัญๆ ที่น่าสนใจ เช่น อะไรที่เปลี่ยนไปในการตลาด อะไรที่สำคัญที่เราต้องให้ความสนใจ และอะไรที่เราต้องปรับปรุงเพื่อให้เข้ากับการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่กำลังเกิดขึ้นนี้ และอะไรที่กำลังจะมา?
DAY 1 : Thursday – November 16th : International Marketing Day 2023
DAY 2 : Friday – November 17th: Thailand Marketing Day 2023
โดยภายในงานได้จัดให้มีกิจกรรมรูปแบบที่น่าสนใจ พร้อมการบรรยายในหัวข้อที่น่าสนใจ รวมถึงการออกบูธแสดงสินค้าและบริการจากผู้สนับสนุนและสมาชิกสมาคมฯที่มีประโยชน์กับนักการตลาดและบุคคลทั่วไปที่มาร่วมงาน
เงื่อนไขเกี่ยวกับประเภทของบัตร และการรับชม
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รับชม Live : ในวันที่ 16-17 พฤศจิกายน 2566
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: จะต้องเตรียมตัวดังนี้
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Dr. Buranin Rattanasombat
the current President of the Marketing Association of Thailand, is now spearheading PTT Public Company Limited's new business ventures as the Chief New Business and Infrastructure Officer. Renowned for his visionary leadership, he is dedicated to empowering Thai marketers and driving innovative initiatives to shape the future of Thai marketing landscape.
Hermawan Kartajaya
Hermawan Kartajaya is a towering figure in global marketing, with an influence transcending borders. Co-founder of the World Marketing Forum (WMF) and Chairman of both the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) and ACSB (Asia Council for Small Business), he's set a gold standard in marketing excellence.Hermawan stands tall among global marketing elites. In 2003, he was spotlighted by the UK's Chartered Institute of Marketing as one of the "50 Gurus Who Have Shaped Marketing's Future" joining ranks with icons like Philip Kotler. His awards, including the Distinguished Global Leadership Award and a Lifetime Achievement in Marketing, underscore his industry impact.
With 11 co-authored books with Philip Kotler, particularly the globally acclaimed Marketing X.0 series, Hermawan's thought leadership is evident. As the founder of MarkPlus, Inc., he's catalyzed transformative shifts in Southeast Asian marketing. In sum, Hermawan's mark on the marketing landscape is deep and expansive.

Prof. Philip Kotler
often heralded as "The Father of Modern Marketing" is an illustrious figure in the world of marketing academia and practice. As the S. C. Johnson & Son Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management (1962–2018),Prof. Kotler has reshaped the landscape of the discipline. With a prolific collection of over 80 books, he has introduced groundbreaking concepts such as “the marketing mix”, "demarketing“, "prosumers" and "societal marketing“.
A pioneer in the field of social marketing, he's championed initiatives that drive healthier and safer lifestyles. In recent years, Kotler has turned his attention to critiquing capitalism and championing economic justice, producing seminal works like "Confronting Capitalism" and "Brand Activism." An insightful bridge between society's needs and industrial response, his insights are invaluable for marketers, business leaders, and scholars alike.

Paul Carvouni
leads the Enterprise business for Microsoft in ASEAN, which includes Enterprise Commercial, Public Sector & Digital Natives, Industry, Consulting and CTO segments. He and his team empower sustainable business growth for organizations, leveraging the power of Microsoft Cloud & Digital services.He has more than 20 years’ experience in the IT industry across Software, Telco, and Managed Services domains, spanning Europe and Asia Pacific and is the ambassador for Microsoft’s Aspire program.
Prior to his current role, Paul led Microsoft’s APAC Solution Sales team, that included solution specialists, technical specialists and tech evangelists covering Microsoft’s Cloud platform portfolio. He is passionate about developing leaders, and in his previous role at Microsoft, Paul led the Data & Intelligence business across APAC.
His past experiences include sales leadership roles spanning Europe and Asia Pacific at Riverbed Technology, F5 Networks, Virgin Media UK, and Telstra Corporation.

Jana Marle Zizkova
stands as a seasoned leader deeply committed to data and diversity. Having led teams at esteemed corporations like Estee Lauder and Socialbakers, Jana brought her expertise to Singapore and established Meiro.Alongside her corporate achievements, she co-founded the non-profit initiative, She Loves Data, which has since empowered over 15,000 women through data and tech workshops spanning 16 countries.
Earning widespread recognition, Jana was named among the “Top 25 business women” in the Czech Republic in both 2009 and 2010. She also graced the 2020 “Singapore 100 Women in Tech” list and was highlighted in the "40-over-40 Inspiring Women" in 2021.
Beyond her business pursuits, Jana actively mentors in non-commercial projects aimed at nurturing future female leaders, such as My Odyssey & Women in Business at the National University of Singapore. She also collaborates with European Women on Boards for their C-level program.
Testament to her adventurous spirit, Jana undertook an audacious journey, circumnavigating the globe on a 38ft sailboat from 2003 to 2005.

Deepal Sooriyaarachchi
From a humble start as a salesclerk, Deepal Sooriyaarachchi rose to be the first marketer-turned-CEO of an insurance company in the global AVIVA Group, now AIA Sri Lanka, where he still serves on the board. Recognized by CIM Sri Lanka with “a Silver Award”, “a Lifetime Achievement Award”, and by the Post Graduate Institute of Management with “an Award of Excellence”, Deepal's impact on the industry is undeniable.As a former president of the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing, he championed the promotion of marketing through his “Sinhalen Business” book series in the local language. Deepal, a prolific author, has penned over 20 books ranging from business to Buddhism, both in the UK and Sri Lanka. His significant contributions led the Sri Lanka Insurance Institute to nominate him for their “Hall of Fame”.
Because of his leadership capabilities and creative approaches, the government of Sri Lanka appointed Deepal as the Commissioner of the Sri Lanka Inventors Commission where he revitalized the innovation landscape in the country. Devoted to personal development, he mentored thousands in Nepal in collaboration with UNDP, reinforcing the idea that marketing extends beyond knowledge to a broader mindset. His early advocacy for integrating mindfulness into leadership is encapsulated in "Inward Bound for Mindful Living."
Today, as an Independent Non-Executive Director for six prominent Sri Lankan companies, Deepal lives by the mantra of "Full Time Living, Part Time Working." With over 1000 training sessions across 15 countries, his wisdom and leadership principles leave an enduring legacy for generations to come.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Ake Pattaratanakun
Head of Marketing Department of Chulalongkorn Business School and Vice President of Marketing Association of Thailand , is an expert on sustainable branding and communications.He has long experience as Chairman of the Executive Board of Thailand Post and a prime brand advisor to Thai Red Cross, Ministry of Finance. Tourism Authority of Thailand, Krungthai Bank, SCG, and AirAsia. He plays a key role in creating reputational success and social responsibility spirit among the brands.
His academic articles have been published in various of the world's leading journals. He is the author of the book titled Marketing Genius, which is all-time bestseller business book in the country. He was top of the class at Cornell University and University of Cambridge University where he established the approach converging social sustainability and business success.

Dr. Dangjaithawin Anantachai
stands out as a pivotal figure in the regional marketing landscape with deep-rooted expertise in marketing analytics and consumer psychology.With a dynamic career spanning over 25 years, Dr. Dangjaithawin has adeptly guided businesses to recalibrate their strategies, aligning them with latent consumer needs in fiercely competitive markets. Her leadership shone brightly as she took the helm as President of both the Thai Marketing Research Society and the Asia Pacific Research Committee between 2013-2014.
She currently assumes the role of President of the Management Board at INTAGE Thailand, following influential tenures at prominent institutions like Research Dynamics, Market21 Australian Trade Marketing Consultant, Nielsen, SCB, and Robinson.
As an active advocate for sustainable development in the marketing arena, she serves on the Committee of the Marketing Association of Thailand. Complementing her industry roles, Dr. Dangjaithawin’s dedication to nurturing the next generation is evident: she’s a Lecturer at Chulalongkorn Business School, a Local Enterprise Business Advisor for the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, Research, and Innovation, and an Honorable Advisor for the Thailand Marketing Research Society. Her invaluable insights and unwavering commitment to knowledge sharing make her a sought-after voice in the modern marketing discourse.

David Sehyeon Baek
a visionary strategist from Seoul, South Korea, possesses a versatile background spanning startup investment and expansion, cybersecurity, innovation, international relations, and leadership.While serving as the Chief Strategy Officer at NPCore, Inc., he has successfully spearheaded global expansion initiatives and secured investments for tech startups across Asia. David’s expertise extends to mentoring organizations worldwide in global business strategy, with a particular emphasis on conscious innovation and sustainable startup growth.
What sets David apart is his unwavering commitment to addressing pressing global challenges, particularly in the realms of cybersecurity and ethical hacking. He inspires transformative change and fosters sustainable growth within the startup ecosystem.
David is also a deal sourcing partner with CGS-CIMB Singapore and works with MUST Accelerator, backed by Shinhan Financial Group, Korea. He actively collaborates in addressing urgent global issues and partners with renowned experts, Professor Philip Kotler and Christian Sakar, on the Wicked7 Project, an open-source initiative exploring innovative solutions to global challenges. Together, they leverage their expertise in business strategy, marketing, and innovation to make a meaningful impact on today’s complex issues.

Ms. Huynh Thi Xuan Lien
is a valued ESG Committee Member and board member at Phu Nhuan Jewelry Company (PNJ), Asia's leading jewelry manufacturer and retailer with over 350 retail stores in Vietnam. She also serves as Chairwoman of CAO Fashion Company Limited (CAF), where CAO Fine Jewelry stands as PNJ's most prestigious brand.Before her current roles, Ms. Lien contributed significantly as General Manager of Franchise at PepsiCo's Vietnam Beverage division and as Senior Vice President of Marketing at Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam Beverage Company. Her 12-year journey with PepsiCo and Suntory PepsiCo Vietnam has been instrumental in driving success across the portfolio.
With over 22 years of marketing experience spanning hair care, dairy, skincare, and beverages, Ms. Lien's expertise encompasses brand management and innovation. She has made substantial contributions to prominent FMCG firms in Vietnam, including LG, Dutch Lady, Unilever, and Suntory PepsiCo.
Beyond her corporate responsibilities, Ms. Lien is a dedicated Vice President of HAWEE (Hochiminh City Association of Women Entrepreneurs and Executives), Vice President of VMA (Vietnam Marketing Association), and Vice President of CSMO Vietnam. (Club of Sales and Marketing Officers). Her passion extends to community activities, with a strong focus on nurturing young talent, empowering women leaders, and advancing sustainability through ESG initiatives.

Helen McIntee
Hailing from South Africa, Helen McIntee is the Co-founder and President of the African Marketing Confederation, dedicated to inspiring and empowering marketers, shaping the industry's future, and promoting excellence in marketing education.With a career spanning various impactful roles as an accomplished author, journalist, lecturer, and international keynote speaker, Helen is a seasoned marketing professional with an unwavering passion for the industry. Her demonstrated history of leadership coupled with her expertise in Business Management, Advertising, Media, Strategic Planning, Marketing Strategy, and Event Management, has left a lasting mark.
Helen is not only a respected Marketing journalist and textbook author but also holds an MBA from Wits Business School and the prestigious title of Chartered Marketer (SA). As an influential figure in the world of marketing, she continues to shape the industry's landscape and inspire the next generation of marketers with her knowledge, experience, and unwavering dedication.

Iwan Setiawan
a prominent figure in the Indonesian marketing scene, serves as the CEO of both MarkPlus, Inc. and Marketeers. These roles position him at the forefront of Indonesia's leading marketing consultancy and its premier platform for marketing enthusiasts. With over 17 years of experience, Iwan's strategic expertise has shaped significant collaborations with global entities.In addition to his executive roles, he is the Editor-in-Chief of Marketeers, a foremost e-magazine in Indonesia, and is a distinguished lecturer at the School of Business and Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung. His notable collaboration with Phillip Kotler on "Marketing 5.0," "Marketing 4.0," and "Marketing 3.0" attests to his mastery in the field.
Iwan was honored as "The Most Outstanding Practitioner Lecturer" by the School of Business and Management at Institut Teknologi Bandung, and his insights continue to influence the global marketing landscape.

Jareeporn Jarukornsakul
Chairman of WHA Corporation PCL, began her entrepreneurial journey at 26, transitioning from plastics to warehousing when she identified a demand for specialized services. Co-founding WHA Corporation in 2003, she achieved a SET listing in 2012 and acquired WHA Industrial Development Plc in 2015.With a Bachelor's Degree in Public Health and a Master's Degree in Business Administration, she's been honored with multiple honorary Doctorate Degrees. Her accolades include the “Quality Person of the Year Award”, “Woman Entrepreneur of the Year“, and “the Outstanding ASEAN Women Entrepreneurs Network (AWEN) recognition”.
Jareeporn's awards extend to clean and renewable energy advocacy, notably the "THAILAND TOP CEO OF THE YEAR 2022" Award and the "IEEE PES Women in Power Award 2022." In 2023, she received “the Prime Minister's Digital Award 2022” for her digital innovation contributions.
Beyond business, Jareeporn is dedicated to developing sustainable communities through social, economic, and environmental programs, making a meaningful difference in the world.

Phumtham Wechayachai
Join us for a keynote address titled "Unlocking Thailand’s Branding in the New Marketingverse" by Phumtham Wechayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce. Discover strategies for enhancing the potential of Thai brands and products to compete in the global market.
Somchat Visitchaichan, Phd.
is an accomplished professional in sales and marketing with a strong background in consumer goods and brand development. He has held leadership positions in strategy planning, research, sales, advertising, and marketing at renowned multinational companies, including Philip Morris, Coca-Cola, the Minor Group, and Omnicom Group of Companies.Currently, Somchat is a senior expert consultant, executive coach, and certified instructor and facilitator for "Design Thinking" and "Design Your Life" programs accredited by Stanford University's Center of Professional Development at SEAC. He is also recognized as a Certified Coaching and Mentoring Professional (CCMP) by ICF and ITD.
Somchat's outstanding contributions to the field have earned him The Fellowship Award from the Institute of Marketing Malaysia, and he holds the position of the head of the jury for the Asia Marketing Excellence Award. Furthermore, he actively participates as a judge for the Top 10 Asian Outstanding Youth-Women-Netizen (Digital) Awards under the Asia Marketing Federation.
Additionally, he serves pro bono as the Vice President of Learning Architect & Marketing Competency at Marketing Association of Thailand.

Hansa Wongsiripitack
As Head of Marketing of The 1, Thailand’s no. 1 Digital Lifestyle & Loyalty Platform under Central Group, Hansa Wongsiripitack is one of the top executives leading young talented team to successfully brought The 1 to achieve digital transformation to deliver the best customer experience through The 1 platform and The 1 application. She is responsible for driving the excellence of Marketing, Communications, Customer Experience, Branding, Advertising and Public Relations.She has over 20 years’ experience in communication, advertising, marketing, mobile and wireless technologies. Her previous role was SEA Director of Digital at J. Walter Thompson APAC leading the digital integration & transformation across SEA offices. Apart from this, she also held the key role at DTAC (Telenor), Dentsu, Creative Juice Bangkok, Y&R, and McCann Erickson.
Hansa is the first Thai and SEA student won Helga & Michael Conrad Scholarship from the prestigious Berlin School of Creative Leadership and earned an Executive MBA with The Valedictorian Award in 2010.

Chakrit Pichyangkul
is well-known in leading private companies, and a well-accepted leader with various talents in the field of business and creative industries, from the leading private companies such as IBM, L'ORÉAL (THAILAND), RS GROUP, etc., as well as a guest lecturer for several universities.Currently, as the executive director of the Creative Economy Agency, Mr. Chakrit Pichyangkul said, "Creative Economy Agency or CEA will be the leading agency in promoting all 15 creative industries to build on the cultural assets and wisdom that contribute to the improved quality of life and increased income of Thai people. For Thailand’s economic enhancement, CEA will also serve as an essential mechanism in exporting ‘Soft Power’ to enhance the value and image of Thailand.”

Polpat Asavaprapha
With an MBA from Claremont and a Fashion Design degree from Parsons, Polpat Asavaprapha has worked in New York for the likes of Giorgio Armani and Maxmara as well as interned for Marc Jacobs before his return to Thailand. Polpat wears many hats. The founder of ASAVAGROUP juggles his many responsibilities from being the restauranteur, President of Bangkok Fashion Society (BFS), columnist to mentor of the Face Thailand. He reflects his style convictions with grace speaking through all creations.With a goal and clear visions in mind, Polpat drives ASAVAGROUP with gentle hands and timeless elegance. As a formidable lifestyle institution, ASAVA Group’s entities include luxurious thoughtful Asava, lavishly youthful ASV, stylistically functional Uniform by ASAVA and gourmet innovation paradise Sava Dining.

M.L. Dispanadda Diskul
is the Chief Executive Officer of The Mae Fah Luang Foundation, a private, non‐profit organization working to catalyze the growth of sustainable economic, social, cultural and environmental development through flagship social enterprise, the Doi Tung Development Project, and many area-based programs within Thailand and Southeast Asia.Dispanadda leads the strategic mission and vision and is the key representative disseminating the foundation's core principles and knowledge as well as advising on policy at national and global stages.
He is also very active in Thailand social enterprise scene where he is a co-founder and president of the Social Enterprise Thailand Association (SE Thailand), a platform to help build capacity for new enterprises in Thailand.
Dispanadda has a Masters in Business Administration from Sasin Graduate Institute of Business Administration of Chulalongkorn University.

Piyachart Isarabhakdee
is the CEO of BRANDi and Companies, a corporate-level strategy consultancy. For over 11 years, he has been engaging with both private and public sectors across more than 23 industries to create a sustainable impact on the environment, society, and economy. He was selected to represent the Business and Industry Major Group at the UN's High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development and served as a Platform Partner of the World Economic Forum's Centre for the New Economy and Society.Piyachart is also a university lecturer and a speaker at various national and international forums on topics related to business and sustainability. He is the author of "BRANDiNG 4.0" and "Business As Unusual" both of which have received endorsements from global leaders, including Prof. Philip Kotler, the Marketing Legend, and Paul Polman, the former CEO of Unilever.
Kosin Virapornsawan
is the Managing Director of PlanToys, a leading name in educational toys. With a distinguished career spanning over two decades, he has guided PlanToys to set industry standards for quality, safety, and sustainability. Under his leadership, PlanToys has pioneered eco-friendly practices and received prestigious awards for its educational merits.Kosin's passion for creating a better world through creative and environmentally-conscious children has made him a prominent figure in the industry. His commitment to innovation and sustainability continues to shape the future of educational toys.

Pravara Ekaraphanich
the Managing Director of Boutique Newcity PCL, is leading the charge in transforming Thailand's fashion industry. With a strong commitment to sustainability, she's reshaping her company's approach to fashion, emphasizing quality and eco-consciousness.Pravara's vision extends to introducing global brands with fresh perspectives while also championing community initiatives such as breast cancer awareness, as well as partnerships for upcycling and recycling to achieve zero fashion waste. In an evolving fashion landscape, she is making fashion not only beautiful but also responsible and compassionate.

Anupong Kuttikul
is the CEO and Co-Founder of Carnival Supply Co.,Ltd. one of Bangkok’s top streetwear and sneakers suppliers, which houses premium and sports brands such as Nike, Adidas, Puma, The North Face, and more. Selling clothing, shoes and accessories both online and in-store, Anupong’s company has been a hit with Thailand’s urban young, and lovers of the great outdoors.After receiving a Bachelor of Arts from Mahidol University, Anupong spent time in the UK obtaining his Master of Science in E-Business at the University of Hertfordshire. He has always been someone who enjoys sports and the great outdoors himself, with some of his hobbies including football, trail running, and hiking.
Anupong is currently putting the knowledge gained during his time studying impactful online businesses in England, and his achievements in all Carnival’s collaborations with global brands, towards developing the Carnival brand even further.

Chakrapol Chandavimol, Ph.D.
is a marketing and branding expert with an impressive track record in the industry. As the Managing Director of Nanyang Marketing Co., Ltd., he plays a pivotal role in leading the production of canvas shoes and flip flops in Thailand under the trademark of Nanyang® canvas shoes and Nanyang ChangDao® Flip Flop. Nanyang has produced over 300 million pairs since 1953.Additionally, he is responsible for devising branding and communication strategies as the Marketing Director of Seacon Square shopping mall group in Bangkok, one of Southeast Asia's largest shopping malls.
Chakrapol is highly regarded in the field and has received accolades for his contributions. He was honored with the Top Outstanding Youth Marketeer of the Year award from Asia Marketing in 2018. His dedication to marketing excellence and innovative strategies has earned him a well-deserved reputation. Chakrapol Chandavimol is a forward thinker who continues to make significant strides in the marketing world.

Rath Takulthai
the Chief Marketing Officer at Food Passion, has played a crucial role in propelling the brand towards sustainable growth through his consumer-centric marketing strategies. Holding an MBA from NIDA, Rath's innovative approaches, particularly in the delivery business, have significantly elevated brands such as BBQ Plaza and other Food Passion restaurants.For Rath, the role of a CMO extends beyond being a Chief Marketing Officer; he sees himself as a "Chief Mystery Officer." He believes marketers should immerse themselves in the customer's perspective, free from biases, to truly understand and resonate with them. His marketing approach adheres to the "3E" principle - Empathize, Engage, and Experience. Rath emphasizes the importance of genuine understanding and active listening to customers, involving them in decision-making processes, and ultimately providing them with an exceptional and memorable experience. These principles have been the bedrock of his nearly 20-year career in marketing.

Pongsuk Hiranprueck
With 25 years of expertise in IT media and tech reviewing, Pongsuk Hiranprueck is a celebrated IT personality and icon in Thailand. As the CEO and Founder of Show No Limit Co., Ltd., he leads the beartai®️ Online Media Channels, renowned for creating top-tier tech and lifestyle content since 2000.Pongsuk's influence extends to educating and shaping Thai society with IT knowledge and global tech trends. His company also produces original content for well-known brands, including Thailand Game Show®️, Southeast Asia's largest gaming event.
Currently, Pongsuk is expanding beartai® Tech Media to Laos and Myanmar, aiming to share IT knowledge and entertainment across the CLMV region. In September 2023, beartai® will receive the Game & Technology Hall of Fame award in Singapore.
Pongsuk Hiranprueck is known for his engaging talks on Digital Transformation and making IT more accessible and enjoyable. His recent appearance at the 25th ASA Congress in Thailand showcased his commitment to keeping up with tech trends and sharing his expertise.

Charkrit Direkwattanachai
A professional marketer and communicator with proven records from his accomplishments in the past 28 years in Research, Marketing & Communication, in both Retail and Media industry. His focus has been revolved with bringing customers voices to enable successful corporate & marketing plans and, on the other hand, strategically publicizing corporate success to audiences in order to strengthen the corporate brand image. He has been recognized as an outstanding member of the Marketing Association of Thailand and the Association of Thai Digital Television Broadcasters. Charkrit has not only achieved in the career but also academically contributed to society by lecturing Market Research and Communication subjects in Thai Universities in the past 20 years continuously.